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How Skip Bin Hiring Works

How Skip Bin Hiring Works

Hiring a skip bin can be daunting. Many rush into hiring a skip without knowing what they’re receiving or how the process works. 

But it does not have to be this way. Hiring a skip can be as easy as any other office bin. It’s just about understanding the waste management process. 

Affordable skip bin hire is a real possibility for both businesses and households.

This blog looks at this process. It defines a skip bin, looks at the benefits of hiring one, and addresses many questions new skip bin hiring customers face.

What is a Skip Bin?

A skip bin is a large, open topped container, usually made of metal, that stores waste. Its name can be simplified to skip.

A skip’s design is crucial to its operation. Most skips are too large for humans to transport, so trucks and other motorised vehicles are required. For this reason, skips are designed with transport in mind. 

Additionally, they must be sturdy enough to survive transport when full of heavy waste and other rubbish.

The perfect size varies depending on the waste matter consumers need to dispose of.

They can be used for any form of solid waste, whether construction, demolition, or household. 

Skips get used the most for jobs that produce large amounts of waste in both quantity and size. Demolition teams who tear down a house need a large surface area to dispose of their rubbish and an area that can handle large chunks of rock. 

However, skip bins shouldn’t be a luxury only afforded to those needing ample space. Their convenience and utility make them useful objects for any business or office space. 

Remember that the extensive range available can provide different affordable options.

A short history of skip bins hiring

Skip bins are a ubiquitous symbol of waste management. You’ve probably seen them sitting alongside construction materials or outside large shopping malls.

However, many need to be made aware of their fascinating history.

The term “skip” comes from the Old Nordic “skeppa” or basket. It entered Old English as the word “sceppe”.

Skip bins became popular during the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century. These new factories needed prominent places to dispose of the large amounts of waste being produced, and for the first time in human history, large amounts of garbage needed to be transported.

Their initial designs suited the trains and basic trucks that transported them. Traditionally, skips were similar in shape to shipping containers, given that they served a similar process.

In modern times, skip bins have a distinctive trapezoid shape. This shape is used for the storage and transport of unfilled skips. It allows for multiple skips to be carried at once, significantly reducing the space needed to store them.

The modern skip bin design is well suited to its utility and purpose. It has evolved over the years to become an efficient and well suited waste storage and transportation device. 

The design history of skip bins reflects the industry’s attempt to make them as optimal as possible for waste disposal. 

How skip bin hiring works

shredded, white paper, crinkled

There are many skip bin hiring companies across the globe. Part of their success has to do with the variety of practices found across the industry.

However, there are commonalities in how skip bin hiring works. Here’s a general breakdown of the skip-hiring process.

  1. A potential customer realises that they have an excess amount of waste. They want to find a more efficient system. 
  2. This customer found a local skip-hiring service and explained their issue. The professional team provides them with a quote, often an instant one.
  3. If they are happy with the price, the skip hiring company will rent a skip to the client. They will also help you decide on the correct bin for your rubbish.
  4. The rental often includes waste management advice, skip clearing and cleaning, and good customer service.

What are the 12 benefits of Hiring a Skip Bin?

Hiring a skip bin can provide several benefits to both businesses and households. 

Ultimately, having ample space to store excess waste is a great thing. They are also great for general rubbish removal.

Here are the 12 benefits of hiring a skip bin

  1. Easy management
  2. Environmentally friendly
  3. Assured designated containment area
  4. Low price to rent
  5. Low management costs
  6. A variety of sizes is available
  7. Easy recycling
  8. You can have it for as long as you want
  9. Convenient removal often included
  10. User friendly
  11. Shows your commitment to waste management
  12. The rental company does most of the heavy lifting

Let’s explore these benefits in finer detail.

  1. Easy management

Skip bin hiring business promotes easy waste and skip management. Most skip hiring companies specialise in making the process as effortless as possible for their customers. 

Often, all that is required from you is to hire a skip and pay the rental rate. They’ll handle the clearing, cleaning, and maintenance. Rubbish removal can be made easy.

  1. Environmentally friendly

Much of today’s world centres around lessening the negative impact of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. It should be no surprise that improperly disposed of waste can hurt the environment. 

Most skip-hiring companies help our planet by having complex waste management systems that align with environmental best practices. 

You want a professional to handle and properly dispose of your waste. Hiring a skip ensures this. You can rest assured that you are helping the planet and the environment. 

  1. Designated containment

Hiring a skip rental company to manage your waste will provide your household or business with a large area designated for waste. This separates potentially hazardous items from regular human interaction.

A skip can also separate different types of waste. Certain types of waste, like food and chemical waste, should be kept separate. The company you’re renting from can provide valuable insights on how to do this. 

The company, in turn, can provide the correct skip infrastructure to maintain this divide. Hiring a skip provides a waste containment area. It can also provide basic infrastructure to separate different waste types for best-practice waste disposal methods. 

  1. Low price to rent

Often, the best part of hiring a skip bin is its cost. While it might seem like a pricey investment, it’s important to remember the various services that accompany it. Many of these are designed with customer convenience in mind.

The low price of renting a skip bin highlights the industry’s desire to provide attainable waste management services. 

  1. Low management costs

Let’s face it, waste management is not on everybody’s mind. Most people would rather have someone else deal with their waste; many don’t think beyond what they throw in the nearest bin. 

But when it comes to managing a large company or construction site, waste management must be considered. While it’s great to be an expert at everything, sometimes you need to know when to hire a professional. They can make your life easier.

Given the benefits of hiring a skip, you might expect high associated costs. But this is not the case. Skip hiring often includes low management costs. Many, like Cleanway, even handle the clearing and cleaning your rented skip bins. 

  1. A variety of sizes is available.

Like most bins and containers, skips come in various shapes and sizes. There are many options to choose from, all designed for optimal service. 

Whoever you hire your skip bin from will be best suited to understand your waste disposal needs. They can advise you on what shape or size of skip would suit your specific purpose. The skip bin size will likely affect the price.

The different shapes and sizes offer flexibility for first-time renters. If you need clarification on whether the skip-hiring lifestyle is for you, try a small option before investing in something more significant. 

  1. Easy recycling

Recycling for a sustainable future is a central caveat of modern waste management systems. We all need to do our bit to lessen the effects of global warming, and hiring a skip is one way for you to help.

Different skip types can be used for various forms of waste. Paper waste can go in a paper waste skip. By removing it from glass waste, you will be helping with its recycling life process. 

Some companies will go out of their way to recycle this rubbish on the same day.

A large skip can also be a great reminder to your employees to recycle. Seeing a sizeable green skip filled with recyclable materials can incentivise the recycling process, increasing the amount of recycling waste. 

  1. You can have it for as long as you want

Most skip-hiring companies understand the long-term benefits of an effective waste management system. They know that once systems are in place, it is beneficial for both parties to maintain them.

The exact details will vary depending on the company and the type of waste being stored. Still, many amicable long term solutions can be found for both parties. 

But most skip hiring companies know they’re better off when their skips are being hired out. Once they’re delivered, you can ensure they’ll remain on the premises until the job is done.

  1. Convenient removal often included

Many skip hiring companies include skip bin removals even when filled with waste. This service can be included in the initial amount paid to rent the skip.

The benefit of having your skip waste removed is more than just convenience. A good skip rental service team might offer an included waste audit. This is where they go through your waste production to try and improve your waste management systems. 

  1. User friendly

Perhaps the most significant benefit of hiring a skip bin is how user-friendly the bins and the company behind it are. Companies in the industry are often run by friendly teams that want to provide excellent customer service.

Most skip-hiring companies understand that their customers are the kings and queens of the industry. Without customers, they’ll have no one to hire and no way to make a profit.

Because of this, the companies are tailored around a user-friendly model that seeks to find specific solutions to whatever waste management systems are needed. 

They’ll want to retain customers, so feel free to ask for extra services if necessary. 

Skip bin hire companies are also great at assessing the correct bin sizes for your rubbish removal needs.

  1. Shows your commitment to waste management

Dedicated waste management systems, particularly for large companies, can be overlooked. They aren’t seen as a priority; in fact, they’re often seen as something that someone else must deal with.

Hiring skips can highlight your company’s commitment to sustainable waste management systems. Prospective clientele can see the organisation’s systems and will be more inclined to trust your business. 

This is especially true if your skip hiring process involves recycling. Sustainable ethics are something that many consumers look for when doing business. Seeing that you hire skips specifically for recycling purposes will provide visible, tangible proof that your company cares. They are the perfect option for a business wanting to build a waste management rapport with their local community.

  1. The rental company does most of the heavy lifting.

Hiring skip bins to manage household or company waste has many benefits, but most people want convenience.

Some offer hassle-free, same-day delivery.

Skip hiring companies understand how waste management systems work. They’ll do what is required to provide excellent and efficient services, often just because it is what they do best. 

They’ll do most of the heavy work to retain your patronage. This convenience is hard to live without once you try it.

What can I put in a Skip Bin?

the bottle, plastic, segregation

Almost all industrial and household waste can be disposed of in a skip bin. However, it’s essential to check with your skip bin provider if you are unsure if a particular item is safe to dispose of. 

Here’s a list of general items that can be put in a skip bin:

  • Green waste
  • Household waste
  • Car tyres 
  • Cell phones
  • Laptops and computers
  • Landlines and fax machines
  • Building concrete
  • Glass
  • Leaves and other garden trimmings
  • Tiles and bricks
  • Sand and gravel
  • Cardboard and polystyrene
  • Food scraps
  • Demolition and construction materials 

The following items should not be disposed of in uncovered skip bins

  • Gaseous chemicals
  • Toxic waste
  • Asbestos
  • Mercury
  • Cadmium
  • Liquid chemicals
  • Human remains
  • Biohazardous waste

Given the diverse nature of the skip-hiring industry, you must double-check with your skip provider if you are unsure whether or not a particular waste product can be safely disposed of in a skip bin.

A general waste management rule is that safe disposal methods should always be followed. If you are unsure if something can harm human health and well-being or if something has the potential to cause environmental damage, then it’s best to leave its disposal to the professionals. 

Skip Bin sizes

As mentioned earlier, skip bins come in various shapes and sizes. If you are unsure what size will work best for you, consult with the skip-hiring company you are working with. Tell them what kind of waste you are looking to dispose of and how much waste you need to dispose of. They’ll be able to give you some expert advice.

Generally, skip bins can come in sizes as small as 2㎥. They can extend to as big as 12㎥. 

The shape of a skip bin can also vary. Many skip bin hire companies offer a variety of shapes depending on the type of waste to be disposed of in them.

How to Choose a Skip Bin Hiring Company

Hiring a skip bin company can be a daunting prospect. The world of waste management is full of strange jargon, regulations, and business best practices, making it difficult to know what kind of company to choose.

Choosing the correct skip hiring company for your household and business has separate considerations.

Choosing a skip hiring company for your household waste

  • Household waste management should be as convenient as possible. If you decide to hire a skip for your household waste, consider hiring a company that specialises in this type of management. They will be able to understand the particulars of household waste
  • The size of a household skip is often smaller than what is needed for construction and demolition waste. You don’t want a company that only provides bulky skip bins.
  • The skip should comply with whatever local waste management systems your household currently engages in.

Choosing a skip hiring company for your business waste

  • The specifics of your business waste will largely determine the skip that you choose. If you frequently handle potentially hazardous materials, a specific skip is required.
  • Additionally, the number of skips required will vary depending on whether it is office waste or industrial waste.
  • The skip hiring business should align with your own business practices and ethics. 

Skip Bin hiring near you:

Australia offers a host of skip bin hiring companies. Many local businesses provide this service, even if they only specialise in some forms of waste management. 

Below is a list of some of the best-rated skip bin hire companies in each state.

Best Skip Bin Hire Company in Australia

1. Cleanway – Available in New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland

Cleanway offers affordable and comprehensive skip-hire services. They cater to household clutter, industrial waste, and any other waste type. Their bin hire services include assessment, delivery, collection, and disposal.

2. Evoro – Available throughout Australia

Evoro provides businesses across Australia with responsible, flexible, total hazardous waste management and exceptional customer service.

3. West Coast Waste – Available in Western Australia

West Coast Waste operate a fleet of skip bins around Perth. They offer speedy delivery and are well reviewed by many customers.

4. Bookabin– Available in South Australia

Bookabin is a helpful database of skip bin hire companies around South Australia. The website can help you find a company suited to your skip-hire needs.

5. Banana Bin Hire– Available in Tasmania

Banana Bin Hire is an established, family run skip bin hire business that services the skip hire needs of Southern Tasmania. They have a hire customer satisfaction rate and are knowledgeable experts in the waste management industry.

Skip bin hiring should be as simple as throwing old food waste in the trash. Luckily, the many established companies operating throughout Australia can make this happen.

They are experts at managing many different waste types.

Whether you are a business owner who wants to improve your waste management systems or a homeowner looking for convenience, hiring a skip will save you time and energy.