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Why Grease Pit Cleaning is Important

The Importance of Grease Pit Cleaning

A grease pit needs to be cleaned regularly. This prevents the excess and unhealthy buildup of fats, oils, and grease.

Cleaning a grease pit can be messy and complicated if you do not know what you are doing. The system can get damaged, putting you off future attempts.

But this does not have to be the case. 

There are simple and effective ways to go about cleaning grease traps. This blog explores some of them.

But if you find that cleaning a grease pit is just not what you’re cut out to do, don’t be afraid to contact one of the many local grease trap cleaning services. 

What is a Grease Pit?

A grease pit separates all fats, oils and grease (known as FOG) from wastewater. The separating process is an essential part of wastewater management.

FOGs tend to congeal and clog a system’s pipes and drains. This prevents water from flowing, causing major headaches for homeowners and plumbers alike. 

A grease pit helps to prevent this by separating the water and allowing it to flow through.

While this is great, it does mean that it becomes filled with leftover FOG and other scraps of food waste. 

If you own a grease pit, you must clean and maintain it. 

Common Question: Are Grease Pits and Grease Traps the same thing?

Yes. Both Grease Pit and Grease Trap are used interchangeably!

Cleaning a Grease Trap or Pit

Cleaning a grease trap or pit is an essential part of owning one. Although it is a messy job, it must be done regularly.  

The owner is responsible for maintaining a clean grease trap. Commercial kitchens with grease traps installed should consider having trained staff capable of cleaning them.

Setting up a regular maintenance program for your grease trap might be worthwhile if you own or run a commercial kitchen. Once your staff know how to clean a grease trap, they will work to maintain a healthy trap condition.

Cleanway has a blog on the “11 Step Grease Trap Cleanout” process. It offers valuable tips and tricks for business owners and households alike. 

This blog explores the nitty-gritty of cleaning grease pits. Below is a general summary, so check it out for more information!

The 11-Step Grease Trap Cleanout

Below is the suggested cleaning process:

  1. Remove the grease trap cover.
  2. Take a look inside
  3. Measure the amount of FOG
  4. Remove any excess water
  5. Take apart the grease trap components
  6. Scoop out chunks of solidified FOG
  7. Scrap down any leftover FOG
  8. Clean everything with soap and water
  9. Put Everything Back Together
  10. Compile a Cleanout Report

Check out the blog for more information!

Why Grease Trap Cleaning is Important

Grease trap cleaning removes all food particles and unpleasant odours from the outlet pipes system. Regular grease trap servicing ensures that the essential internal structures, like the grease arrestors and grease interceptors, continue working effectively.

Grease trap maintenance is often mandated by more local authorities. Be sure to check in with all relevant authorities if you are unsure about what laws and regulations apply to you.

Many grease trap cleaning services exist. They specialise in liquid waste removal and other waste management services. Food trade waste can be complex, so their help and expertise can go a long way.

Signs Your Grease Trap Needs Cleaning

Grease trap cleaning should be a regular aspect of waste management, but some still avoid the process.

Here are a couple of signs that your grease trap needs cleaning.

  • Slow Draining Sinks: If the water in your sinks drains slower than usual, it could be a sign that your grease trap is full.
  • Foul Odours: Unpleasant smells from the drains or the grease trap itself clearly indicate that it needs to be cleaned.
  • Visible Grease Buildup: If grease is accumulating in the trap or around the drain areas, it’s time for a clean-up.

The Grease Trap Cleaning Process

Cleaning a grease trap involves several steps. The goal is to remove all the grease trap waste from the system, allowing the liquid waste to filter through.

Here is a basic 4-step process for grease trap cleaning.

  1. The Waste is Removed: All FOG is scraped and safely disposed of.
  2. Scraping and Scrubbing: The trap and its various components are removed and scraped down. This ensures that excess fat, oil, and other solid wastes are not washed away.
  3. Full wash. The various parts, including the grease trap lids and pipes, are given a thorough wash with soapy water.
  4. Inspection and Maintenance: An essential part of grease trap cleaning is ensuring that every component functions effectively and properly.

This cleaning process can be done by both professional cleaning teams and household cleaners. So long as someone knows what they are doing, they should be able to clean a grease trap properly!

The one essential step that was missed here is that all personal protective gear should be worn. This ensures that any harmful chemicals do not come into contact with human skin.

Grease traps require maintenance to function correctly. Regular grease pit cleaning should be done by any person or business that uses one.

Business owners can use grease trap cleaning to upskill their workers and build pride in their company. It will help workers understand how to manage grease in a kitchen. This becomes a skill that they can use throughout their lives and will help make more humans aware of the effects of climate change.

It is essential to consider any local state regulations surrounding grease pits. Most authorities require restaurants and other food outlets to not only have a grease pit but also ensure that it functions safely and effectively.

Neglecting grease traps can cause significant issues. It will damage the traps and the water system that it is attached to. Oil and fat can clog drains and other sewage disposal systems.

However, grease traps are relatively easy to clean. This blog highlights the various processes that should be followed.

If you are still unsure about how the cleaning process works, contact a local grease trap cleaning expert like Cleanway.