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30 Soil Disposal Methods

30 Soil Disposal Methods

Soil disposal is an essential industrial waste management service. Proper disposal ensures that contaminated soil does not seep into underground waterways or anywhere else it should not be. 

Modern waste management companies can dispose of soil through a number of methods. Modern disposal techniques utilise some of the latest technologies available. This helps to ensure that they are highly efficient. 

Additionally, modern waste management has moved towards more environmentally friendly practices. When it comes to soil disposal, following environmental best practices helps to foster a greener and more eco-friendly future. 

What is Soil Disposal

Soil disposal involves the removal and safe disposal of soils. While many people might think of disposal as simply dumping the soil at a dumpsite or landfill, there are far more options than this. Understanding these options can help people better understand the complexities of waste systems in Australia. 

Soil disposal involves the removal and transportation of soil from one location to the next. This new location is a place where the soil can be treated in a variety of ways. Soil decontamination is an effective disposal method. 

It is important that this process is done by a qualified waste management team like Cleanway. They are qualified to handle any hazards that might occur. Additionally, as an EPA licensed waste management company, the process will be done with environmental best practices in mind. 

Landfill Disposal

Landfill disposal is one of the most common soil disposal methods. Most major cities have a landfill in or nearby its surroundings. A major benefit of landfills and other dumpsites is that they can store large quantities of waste.

The popularity of landfills for soil contamination management has a lot to do with how easy they are to use. 

Soil Recycling

Soil recycling, like other recycling techniques, seeks to reuse soil instead of disposing or destroying it. It’s great for soil as the recycling process will help to revive and cleanse otherwise contaminated soils. 

The recycling process varies depending on the levels of contamination and the available options at the waste treatment centre. A common way to recycle soil is to restore it to a chemical equilibrium. 

Erosion Control

Erosion control helps to prevent damage to soil and the surrounding environments. It is an effective disposal method because it utilises the waste management system of prevention. In short, it helps to prevent waste from forming in the first place. 

Preventing soil erosion involves promoting soil health through introducing organic plant matters and other natural chemicals. It could also be as simple as planting indigenous plants to bring nutrients back to the soil. 

Fill for Construction

Soil waste has many uses within the construction industry. An added benefit is that construction and demolition commonly creates soil waste. Reusing the waste that they produce is an efficient disposal method. 

Utilising soil fill for construction allows for the waste cycle to be conscious about the production and disposal of goods. It also helps with the building process as old soil can be compacted for added stability. 


Composting is a common soil waste management that can be done by both businesses and households. Organic waste management is not just good for the environment. We explore the various benefits in our blog Organic Waste: Creating a Sustainable Future.

Soil waste can be used during the composting process.  But it can also be uncontaminated with compost. Being able to be on both sides of the process highlights the various disposal options for soil disposal. 

Topsoil Restoration

Topsoil restoration is a soil regeneration process that seeks to decontaminate soil so that it can be reused. It’s a great disposal method as it seeks to divert waste from municipal disposal sites.

Any soil restoration process should be done by a team of waste management professionals. Using a company ensures that the process is done in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. It also ensures that the job is done correctly. 

Dune Creation

Dune creation involves taking soil waste and using it to create sand dunes. These can be used for a variety of purposes. Dunes helps with building projects like land reclamation and soil growth. 

A major benefit of dune creation as a soil waste disposal method is that it seeks to utilise waste instead of disposing of it. Waste management methods like this ensure that minimal waste is finally produced. 

Landscaping Projects

Landscaping projects are an opportunity to change how a garden looks. Commonly garden waste and other soils are used for composting or other environmentally friendly projects. But they can be used to beautify an area. 

Landscaping with old soil utilises what will commonly be disposed of. It is often a far cheaper option than buying large amounts of fresh soil. Additionally, it helps to promote sustainability and eco-friendly practices. 

Soil Mixing

Soil mixing involves taking different soils and combining them in order to neutralise and restore their characteristics. It can also be used to make soils with the perfect amount of certain nutrients for different gardening purposes. 

Waste management teams can remove soil waste and temporarily store them in waste containers like skip bins. Having different soil types on hand ensures that the mixing process is done with various considerations in mind. 

Buffer Zones

Buffer zones are commonly used in parks and other residential recreational areas where a variety of plants already exist. Installing buffer zones helps to prevent different plant species from taking the place of another. 

Old soil is an ideal buffer zone tool. It is natural enough to fit in with the various environments surrounding it. But it can also be specially altered to keep plants from growing in its area. 

Green Infrastructure

Green infrastructures projects have become increasingly common in city and urban areas as more people look at building a greener future. Green infrastructure includes both natural and human-made green structures. 

National green infrastructure projects in Australia have become popular ways to connect people with the environment. Additionally, seeing green projects helps people feel more connected to environmental best practices. 

Reclamation Projects

Reclamation projects can use soil waste to build and reclaim land areas. These projects can be undertaken by cities who are looking for new land. Land reclamation is common in countries with large amounts of islands.

 Using soil waste for these projects is ideal. The large amounts of soil available from construction and demolition projects should be reused for other construction projects. It is a sustainable waste cycle. 

Sediment Traps

Sediment traps help to decontaminate bodies of water from trash and other inorganic waste materials. Effective sediment traps protect bodies of water from contaminated soils. However, soil can also be used in sediment traps. 

Using soil as a filtration system is possible. The natural nutrients in disposed soil can help to protect water bodies from contamination. Natural systems help to reduce the amounts of inorganic materials in the environment. 

Soil Amending

Soil amending involves placing chemicals and other natural nutrients into soil in order to restore it back to health. This process removes the toxins that damage plants and other animal health. 

Restoring soil back to health allows for it to be used in various other projects. It can help to restore it for plants and food production. Additionally, reusing as opposed to final disposal promotes eco-friendly waste management. 

Road Base

Soil waste can be safely used in a number of construction projects like roads and other transport infrastructure projects. It is especially useful as a base for tarmac roads given the variety of materials that can be used. 

Old soil can be combined with other construction and demolition waste materials to provide more grip for the tarmac surface. An added benefit of using soil waste is that it minimises the risk of contamination for other soil types in the area. 

Capping Contaminated Sites

Capping contaminated sites is a key soil waste disposal method. Putting a cover, commonly of plastic, helps to prevent contamination through wind. It also ensures that the soil does not leave the waste disposal site. 

When it comes to soil disposal, capping the containment site is a great waste separation tool. If the soil waste needs to be transported, it can be done without mixing soils of different chemical compounds. 


Bioswales are a common way for city infrastructure to manage excess water from storms or other natural events. These ditches are usually found between motorways and have easy to maintain plants growing on them. 

These ditches can be built with excess soil, especially if the city does not have the necessary nutrients to sustain plant life. They are an effective way to utilise waste soil and to protect municipal infrastructure. 

Soil Donation

Soil donation is the process where excess waste soil is given to another company, organisation, or person who has another use for it. It’s an effective way to repurpose waste and give it a new lease on life.

This is an important aspect of waste management. The less waste that ends up being disposed of, the better. Since waste can be formed from any material in excess, giving this material a new purpose prevents it from remaining as waste. 

Landfills for Construction Waste

Landfills remain one of the most effective ways to store waste for long periods of time. They are especially useful when it comes to hazardous waste as they remove them from waste streams that can involve humans. 

Storing hazardous waste in municipal landfills ensures that minimal human contact occurs. This safeguards human health and helps to prevent contamination. Construction waste often ends up in landfills or dumpsites. 

Quarry Rehabilitation

Quarry rehabilitation is an environmentally friendly way to address any potential damages caused by soil excavation. It is important to remember that waste management practices should try to address any environmental damages during the removal process. 

There are a variety of quarry rehabilitation processes. Often, waste management teams like Cleanway will approach certified partners who are experts in this field. This ensures that the process is done safely and effectively. 

Grade Banks

Grade banks divert water into official run-off areas. Using soil waste helps to keep the cost of construction low. Additionally, the water run-offs ensure that cross contamination is far less likely to occur. 

Cities and municipalities can construct a variety of grade banks to help them deal with large amounts of water. It also gives their soil waste a purpose. Having two ways to management different types of waste highlights their commitment to waste management best practices. 

Sculptural Projects

Sculptural projects are a great way to use excess soil. Artists and creatives can utilise items that might have otherwise been disposed of. Additionally, soil waste is often free, allowing artists to save some money. 

The benefits of sculptural projects is that they can be placed in and around a city. They can also be sold for money. Using soil waste also removes some of the stresses that are commonly associated with the high cost of art supplies. 

Natural Barriers

Constructing natural barriers with excess soil is a disposal technique that gives waste items a new purpose. They can serve a variety of purposes, such as water diversions. But they can also be used for a variety of barrier purposes. 

A good tip for natural barrier construction is to include plants and other green items. This helps to maintain the soil health and potentially regenerate and remove harmful chemicals from the soil. 

Creating Terraces

Terraces can serve a variety of purposes for both businesses and households. They can be an attractive way to enhance a garden. Additionally, they can be used to separate different plants from one another. 

Terraces are commonly used in the construction process. Houses and buildings often require a stable foundation. Using excess soil is an affordable way to build a secure foundation like terraces. 

Soil Blending

Soil blending is a waste system that mixes various soil types together. The goal is to neutralise the soils. This helps to restore the soil health so that any harmful chemicals or materials are removed. 

Being able to restore soil more towards its natural state is an environmentally friendly waste management practice. Companies that utilise these strategies should do so by consulting a team of waste management professionals. 

Agricultural Land Enhancement

Agricultural land enhancement techniques seek to prevent and manage any damages caused during the use of soil and farmlands. It is done through a variety of strategies in order to prevent soil waste. 

It is important to promote soil health during the soil disposal process. This can help to cure any damages that the soil might have experienced. Additionally, it helps to prevent contamination along the waste stream.

Plant Islands

Plant islands are a fixture in most modern cities across the world. They offer an opportunity for small green spaces to pop up around a city. This helps to break the monotony of buildings and tar in many towns. 

Excessive soil waste is great for this purpose. It’s low cost makes it an affordable option for any municipality. It also allows for small spaces where soil can be regenerated and restored to health. 

Fill for Wetlands

Soil waste can be used for a variety of water filling projects. Wetland filling is a common example. Reclamation projects like this ensure that the soil is used for a useful purpose instead of it being disposed of in a landfill. 

Many of these projects can also help to restore the soil. The organic materials common in most wetlands help to restore the soil back to health. This also prevents any potential water spillages from the wetlands. 

Experimental Gardens

Experimental garden projects are great for both cities, businesses, and households. Instead of throwing away soil that might be bad for plants, consider using it to plant in new and experimental ways.

The benefit is that low cost plants can be used. Because of the poor soil health, costs can be kept low. Experimenting with what does and does not grow becomes easier. Experimentation becomes possible with minimal risks. 

Contaminated Soil Prevention 

While contaminated soil disposal services are ideal for handling soil waste, prevention methods remain effective waste management strategies. Additionally, any method that manages waste types should prevent further contamination.

Companies like Cleanway receive certificates from the Australian Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This highlights their ability to manage different waste types in a safe and secure manner. This includes removing contaminants like asbestos from soil in a way that fulfils a variety of regulations.

One effective way to prevent contaminated soil spillage is through skip bin hiring. Skip bins are a common construction site fixture. This helps with processes like soil remediation, as well as the safe disposal of other materials. They also lower disposal costs.

Choosing Soil disposal services

Choosing the most appropriate contaminated soil disposal services for your soil waste needs depends on a variety of factors. This is become contaminated soil disposal often deals with a variety of waste types and processes.

Hiring a professional waste management team like Cleanway is advisable. Their friendly team can provide clean fill services for whatever waste type you wish disposal of. The Cleanway team can also be contacted for an initial assessment of your contaminated soil disposal needs and wants.